The book.

Release planned for spring 2025.
It will be available as a real/physical book, and will be released as a digital version for free.

What is this book?

A lot of things have evolved since the beginning. My bikes, my knowledge about them, my photography skills…
Today my whole life revolves around bikes, even my job.

But cycling is also what nearly brought my life to an early end, in early October 2023, and it is the main reason why I have decided to create this book. I almost died in a bike accident. I was hit by a car. When I woke up after 3 weeks of coma, I realised that if had died, all of my images would have disappeared forever since they only exist digitally. And I am not a huge fan of this idea. (Details about the accident here).

So in january 2024 I’ve decided to create a book, so my pictures can outlive me once I’m not here anymore.

It covers 10 years of my cycling photography, from my debut in 2014 to 2024 when I started to work on it.
Basically, this book is all of my website, but printed. Something that will outlive me if I die.

× 270 pages.
× 21 x 21cm.
× About 1500 pictures.
× Language: English (French version available in the digital edition).

Here is a small preview of it (most of these pictures are computer renders):